‘Hold hands with fear…. It is your friend’

When we experience the spiral of fear it is a drastic signal that something is wrong
If we ignore it, we can experience intense anxiety amongst many other emotions.
Fear is present to show you, that you have stepped out of alignment with your true self,
with your inner knowing. You could well be continuously ignoring signals and insights from
your body and soul.
Fear is your friend as it is showing you that you are and have been stepping away from yourself
Can you make friends with your fear, can you find a willingness to hold hands with your
fear, to be willing to see it for what it is, to see what is below the fear, what is the feeling
that is driving the fear and can you be willing to explore, relate and understand the feeling
below/behind the source of your fear. Get to know the feeling like you would a friend, get to
know its history and search for an understanding of why it is, the way it is.
As you take part in this relationship with FEAR you will begin to feel the relief of the
As time unfolds it is important to keep reassuring old patterns, that arise, with the presence
of this new relationship, that has now been developed.
We create our own reality
Whatever we leave unresolved within ourselves will keep showing up as a trigger in our life,
until we meet and form a relationship with our deepest truths within.
At this life changing time, for us all, THE CORONAVIRUS is triggering some of our deepest
survival fears and this is, a worldwide opportunity to transform and transcend our fears.
The fears that I am witnessing are of being:
Deprived of food
Controlled by the government
Manipulated by unknown powers
Afraid of death
Afraid of sickness
Afraid of transmitting germs
Afraid around hygiene
And many more that could be mentioned I’m sure.
If there is anything that we can gain out of all of this uncertainty, it can be this highly
unusual opportunity to face our fears as a human race together.
To stop and to listen to the deep whispering of our soul and to meet the truths of who we
are, to transcend our beings to a higher vibration.